Saturday, December 20, 2008

You Know You're Getting Old When...

This list started while watching the first item on the list and just kept expanding:

1. You watch Lindsey Wagner selling Sleep Number beds and are just as interested in what she has to say as when she was the Bionic Woman.

2. You're ALLOWED to stay up all night, but don't want to.

3. You DON'T have to take a nap after lunch, but you DO want to.

4. The sight of snow falling makes you think about scraping windows and shoveling, not building forts and making snowmen.

5. Your parents' house or grandmother's house looks smaller than you remember it.

6. You look at people you would have described as "hot" when you were 18 and wonder do their parents know what their wearing in public.

7. The idea of getting to drive to the pizza place, take the money inside and PAY for the pizza makes you feel tired, not grown up.

8. Running surprises you as much as it does your walking shoes.

9. You actually HAVE walking shoes.

10. You are more likely to be a spectator than a player in a pickup game.

11. You watch the love scenes in movies and actually understand them.

12. You can't get candy if you dress up on Halloween.

13. You're the one saying "When I was your age" and boring your children/grandchildren.

14. You actually have children/grandchildren.

15. You REALLY know what sex is (not just what your friends say).

16. Your worries about money involve more than just candy and video games.

17. You're more like Hook than Peter...and you're not sure how or when that happened.

18. You're mad that you can't find anything but anime & computer gen stuff on Saturday mornings.

19. When you watch tv, you spend half the time saying "Who's that?" and the other half asking "What ever happened to (insert 70's/80's tv star here)?"

20. You stopped believing that Saturday Night Live was funny about 15 years ago.

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