Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Wild Kingdom After Dark

So, the other morning before work, I'm looking out out big picture window and admiring the view when all of the sudden, I see these 3 squirrels going nuts in the yard (and not the "food gathering" nuts, either!). They're going crazy all over the yard, so I start describing things to the Highlander:

"Oh, honey, you gotta see this! These squirrels are jumping all over each other...they're all rollin' around and then they get up and chase each other to another tree...oh, man, that one nearly pile-drove that other into the dirt! (laughter) Okay, they're running past the oak now...that one keeps trying to jump on the other...actually, both of those ones are...well, that's not exactly...huh...(tilting my head sideways)...okay, not sure this is just playtime now...ohhhh...okay, if Snoop Squirrelly Dogg comes out of the other tree and asks anyone to show their fur, that would just complete this whole scenario."

Just as I'm realizing I'm actually watching Wild Kingdom After Dawn, I look over and and see the most bizzare thing I've ever seen. A long time ago, the folks who used to live here put a stump upside down near our little patio area and it overgrew with tiny vines and such so that it's a natural seat (although in past years, the termites have about worn it away). It's about 2 feet high so you can imagine my surprise when I see a full grown groundhog sitting ON TOP of it. His back is to me (about 8 feet away) and he's WATCHING THE SQUIRRELS!!!

Seriously, I did NOT want to know what else that groundhog was doing.

Later on, I saw this video on Yahoo. Honestly, if that groundhog had turned around and looked at me like this (with the music and everything), it would have just made the entire MOMENT!

Which reminds me of another animal tale that I gotta share!

Back when I was doing the GT program in my district, I had my kids doing a research project with a PowerPoint presentation. The 4th and 5th graders had to research their dream job, including the college to go to, the classes, the volunteer opportunities, etc., while my 3rd graders got to do their favorite animals. It was a combination of learning computer usage and research skills, so it was a fabulous higher level activity. Anyway, one of the 3rd graders chose to do her project on whales. After doing the research and all the typing, I let the kids surf the net and look for pictures to add to their presentations. This little girl came up with the picture from this article:

She NEVER noticed it, but had it in her presentation. I came by the DAY BEFORE we were supposed to be showing these at the district open house and had to swallow my heart when I saw it. I think I said something along the lines of: "So how's it, hon?" Since she didn't notice and no other kid was paying attention, I just said, "That's a GREAT pic, but I think we can find one less grainy, don't you?" Then I QUICKLY opened the Explorer screen, found a pic she loved even better and told everyone to take their bathroom break while I cut and pasted the new shot, thus saving my life and career in one fell swoop.

Hmm...maybe all these animals are just trying to show off for ME! I'm the Animal Copulation Whisperer! :-O