Sunday, April 13, 2008


Well, we came, we saw, we gamed the whole !@#$ weekend!

UBCon ( was AWESOME! Kevin goes every year, but I've had this pathological fear of gaming with strangers since middle school, so this was my first time. Frankly, if not for the fact that I was honoring the passing of a friend of ours a few years ago, I might not have even done it, but I'm SOOO glad I did.

Aside from our regular gaming group, which we did on site on Saturday, we got to game with one of the best, Nicolas Logue of Eberron campaign fame ( and he was seriously cool. It was like being in a movie with your favorite characters. He never ONCE looked down at a book, just ran things and went with the flow (which I loved). I played a pre-gen character for the first game with him, then he let me play Adrian Quicksilver for the other two, which was a ton of fun. Adrian has a habit of being dropped into worlds he's not ready for because people like the pitch of his terrified screams and the tone of his diplomatic, yet insistence pleading to leave the (insert favorite tentacled evil beastie here) in favor of a hasty retreat. At one point, Adrian was actually falling down a temple tunnel with the acid breath of a gargantuan black dragon surrounding him...and that was one of the CALMER moments!

Anyway, we had a ball, as did our other gamer friends because of Nick. Wish you'dve all been there, too...can't help but wanna share the wealth! BTW, if you want to see him in DM action, check him out here: He's not quite as animated as he was for our games in this one (and his hair's shorter now), but he's still the schiznit!


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