Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Don't Go Where I Can't Follow...

So, I'm talking with Kevin and we're having that morbid discussion about what would happen if either one of us died. This becomes a bigger deal for me because I've moved away from my immediate family to live here in Western NY. I've lived here since 2001, and now we have the home of our dreams, but if Kevin was gone, would I be able to stand living here with nothing but memories of him to comfort me?

I'm also not the best at female relationships, so would I have a bunch of girlfriends around to help me through the rough patches? Oh, I know Kevin's family would be there (Maureen & Kathy are like sisters to me),and we've got lots of friends through letterboxing and gaming, but I never really hang out with folks at work or anything and aside from monthly hangout time, we never see any of our friends. Would that be enough to keep me in WNY? It's a strange situation. I think if I went HOME to my family in Texas for comfort, I would probably never come back. If my parents came up here to help me cope for a while, it'd be more of a 50/50 thing.

Morbid thoughts, huh? Still, I'm of the mind that if you TELL yourself you can't handle something, you won't be able to when the time comes. So, I'm not SURE, but I know I'll be able to move on...I'll NEED to.

In the meantime, we're both telling each other what Sam said to Frodo: "Don't go where I can't follow."

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