Tuesday, June 29, 2004

Almost forgot!

The whole reason I decided to START today was because I FINALLY did some D&D gaming this week, for the first time in my life. I have spent the past 2 decades claiming to be wholly disinterested in "that crap", as I've more kindly put it, so to make this jump required, yet again, the significant otter. It's amazing what Kevin's talked me into. Since I'm going off to bed soon, let's discuss the whole D&D thing later (since it comes with a whole level of psychosis that requires a bit more than a dash-off on the keyboard) and look at the list of stuff Kevin's talked me into:

10 Things Kevin Burke Made Me Do That My Mom Will Probably Give Me Spankings For

1. Sex--well, that kinda comes with the marriage...plus I can't really say I wasn't interested! ;-)

2. Drugs--actually, just codeine and only because I was in really bad pain at the time, but you get the idea!

3. Rock & Roll--Eugene Maslov doesn't really count as either, but stupid Ozric Tentacles and Tears For Fears CDs DO! Plus, I think I started liking Ludacris AfTER we were together, so there's RAP music, too!

4. Smoking--technically, Steph was the one who suggested we have the cigar in Toronto, so really I should blame her, but he DID like the idea and I DID smoke it because of BOTH of them, so...yeah...!

5. Drinking--actually, he's not so much talked me into this as made it safe for me to enjoy it. When you're not afraid someone's going to take advantage of you )and in fact are HOPING this will happen) booze can actually be fun!

6. Belching without saying excuse me--I used to cover my mouth and just do a small burp that ended in a whistle (don't ask how, it just worked) and a prompt "excuse me". Now I go for the full on "ARRRRP", to which he always replies "For Retired Persons!" Oh, FIE upon the evil that is this man!

7. Swearing--Admittedly, I did this before Kevin, but it sounds so much BETTER with him around! !@#$ing yeah!

8. Impulse buying--(ROFL) Okay, that one was all me, I'm just playin'! Of course, I DO buy stuff for HIM right after I get stuff for me...!

9. Dungeons & Dragons RPG--Satan's game! This man talked me into playing this after a deep seated hatred, nay, FEAR of RP with dice. Pretty impressive feat, actually...I'll talk more about that tomorrow...

10. Kissing on the Mouth--Yes, I have saved the worst for last...kissing on the mouth and LOTS of times. Once, about 5 years ago (5 years exactly on July 17th), I even did it in a nice white dress in front of a lot people, including my parents, grandmothers and GOD!

What have I done...I've RUINED my LIFE!!!!! (runs off sobbing to go drown her sorrows in some more on-the-mouth kissing!)

Finally did it!

(Note: Anything before December 31, 2007 was originally posted elsewhere, such as my Live Journal blog. I'm moving it all over here so I have just the one blog t keep track of.)

Kat's been telling me about this for months and I just never decided to do anything with it until now. With school out, I have a little time before summer school starts to write some.

Not much going on, though...I'm sitting around watching my hair get knappier and knappier since I keep getting hair appointments that get cancelled. For those of you who aren't predominately black, this means you spend the entire day beforehand NOT touching your hair so that you don't open your scalp up to the lye they throw in to straighten it. You go into wherever the place is with your hair decked out incognito (usually with some big ugly hat or some other type of head covering that can handle your "near-fro") with the expectation that you'll look all nice and sleek again within a few hours, so no one will blame you for coming in the way you did.

However, twice now I've had my hairdresser cancel or be sick.

And my hairdresser is at JCPenney's in the mall...so EVERYBODY is seeing me and since I KNOW I represent every black female most people will ever see, I'm constantly worried that people are staring at me and saying "See, that is JUST what I THOUGHT black women did...NEVER take care of their HAIR!"

Call it paranoia, but it's not like I haven't been asked such questions before! ;-)

Anyway, so I'm just trying to keep from getting the hair headache until Saturday (the one you get from having hair all tight and knappy on your hair), my next appointment. I keep saying I'm going to leave this woman if she doesn't stop doing this to me, but again, the hair experience is hard for women of color. Once you FIND someone who can do your hair and do it right (which, when you move a lot like I have, you literally have to do by asking total strangers with nice hair who does their hair, I kid you not), it would take an act of God to get you to leave them and they KNOW it. Heaven forbid you should open your mouth and complain or you'll be finding yourself another hair dresser...or worse yet, you'll be picking up the once long an luxurious strands of your coif off the floor to the tune of an electric razor...

Honestly, it's not all bad, even with the time spent. You'll sit with 4 or 5 other women who are all scheduled for the same time and be at the shop for 4 or 5 hours getting your hair done. Some women will actually plan theirs on the same day because it's the only time they get to see their friends and talk. This has got to be a shock for those of you who can run into a local Supercuts and be all set with time to shop afterward, but this is the way things have been since I was a kid...hence, the popularity of the movies Beauty Shop & Barber Shop. Much as I'm complaining, I can't wait to sit and hang out with Amarlis and talk about her kid and my kids (the ones I teach, not the ones we're trying to have) and just hang out.

But seriously, if she isn't there THIS weekend, I'm....I'm REALLY going to another girl...for REAL!